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poppy maidment
1r de batxillerat: Dibuix artístic
1st of baccalaureate: Artistic drawing
Transformation of a an object into a fantastic world, starting from a painting of a vase.
Colour wheel using primary colours, as well as black and white.
Drawing of an animal, using the concept of degrees of conicity, with three techniques and 3 styles.
Detailed drawing of a horse, to demonstrate
our drawing skills and level.
Geometric shapes. Drawing and shading using graphite.
Representation of a sculpture using charcoal and chalk.
Drawing with charcoal of a sculpture using our own fantastic touch with colour (pastel).
Drawing of imaginary house with two perspectives.
Drawing with fine line pen of three elements that represent us.
Drawing of eye with tutorial using graphite.
Drawing using with fine pen with quote.
Drawing of street view perspective wih human figure.
Dracula inspired drawing with castle and mountain features.
One perspective room drawing.
Transformació d'un objecte en un món fantàstic, començant a partir d'una pintura d'un gerro.
Transformation of a an object into a fantastic world, starting from a painting of a vase.
Roda de colors fent servir els colors primaris, així com el blanc i negre
Colour wheel using primary colours as well as black and white.
Dibuix d'un animal mitjançant tres tècniques diferents.
Drawing of an animal using three different techniques.
Pràctica inicial de l'aplicació d'ombres amb figures.
Initial practice of the application of shadows with shapes.
Interpretació de una obra modern del MNAC. Obra de tria: Mare davant del seu fill mort, Fernando García Alegría
Interpretation of a modern artwork from the MNAC. Artwork of choice: Mother in Front of Her Dead Son by Fernando García Alegría.
Dibuix fet amb carbonet i guix inspirat en una escultura.
Drawing done with charcoal and chalk inspired in a sculpture.
Dibuix fet amb carbonet amb un detall amb pastel, inspirat en una escultura.
The drawing was done with charcoal and a detail in pastel inspired by a sculpture.
Dibuix fet amb carbonet i guix en paper vegetal, inspirat en una escultura.
Drawing made with charcoal and chalk on tracing paper, inspired by a sculpture.
Dibuix de línies simples amb cal·librat i una frase.
Fine-line drawing with fine-point pen and phrase.
2n de batxillerat: Dibuix artístic
2nd of baccalaureate: Artistic drawing
Transformation of a an object into a fantastic world, starting from a painting of a vase.
Colour wheel using primary colours, as well as black and white.
Drawing of an animal, using the concept of degrees of conicity, with three techniques and 3 styles.
Detailed drawing of a horse, to demonstrate
our drawing skills and level.
Geometric shapes. Drawing and shading using graphite.
Representation of a sculpture using charcoal and chalk.
Drawing with charcoal of a sculpture using our own fantastic touch with colour (pastel).
Drawing of imaginary house with two perspectives.
Drawing with fine line pen of three elements that represent us.
Drawing of eye with tutorial using graphite.
Drawing using with fine pen with quote.
Drawing of street view perspective wih human figure.
Dracula inspired drawing with castle and mountain features.
One perspective room drawing.
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